On this blog, you will find some happy stories, some fun content and some very sad facts.

I hope that by reading these truths, you will be angry enough to be more proactive in order to curtail animal abuse, neglect and cruelty?


There are too many suffering and unwanted animals in this world, all of which deserve a good, loving home. The statistics of euthanased, unwanted animals are horrific. Approximately 20 tons of euthanased animal bodies where dumped in the first 3 months of 2002 and this figure is increasing rapidly. Don't play a role in these Stats! Every puppy or kitten that is brought into this world will either directly or indirectly , they will either become an orphan OR take a potential home away from an orphan. So please STERILIZE. Lets also take into consideration those stray cats at your office. Speak to your local shelter and raise funds from the office park tenants to have them sterilized too.

These people are puppy mills (please see my link). They don't care about animals; animals are a source of income to them. Who cages and the sells their animals to anyone who has the money anyway!?! Unspeakable cruelty occurs behind the schemes.

a) Buying creates a supply and demand situation.

b) There are millions of animals on death-row at shelters just waiting to love you and protect you and be good doggies, if you give them that second and probably last chance, please (woof woof) don't let them down, they will never let you down.

That doggie you see that is sad, hungry and thin will not be rescued by the next guy. In fact in all probability he will not live through the next week.
The next guy is not an animal lover (we are very few) and even if he is he too will say the next guy will rescue him. Take your blinkers off and PLEASE RESCUE THE ANIMAL, you are its only chance. If you cannot re-home him yourself ask one of the Pro-Life shelters to help you.

Animals at shelters do not only need a good home and love; they need food, shelter, medication and caring people to look after them. This can't be done on love and fresh air they are in constant need support i.e. funds, food donations, blankets, volunteers, especially the smaller Pro-Life shelters (please see a few of them in my links) as they do not have the exposure and support that the bigger ones do. You can also visit http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com. This is a site where you can feed a hungry animal just by clicking. I would love to get something similar running in South Africa, so if any of you know of companies or individuals who could pay to advertise on such a website, please let me know. I am also looking for other idea's to raise funds for these shelters i.e. sms competitions etc. Again if anyone could assist with sponsorship, ideas, projects or advice. The animals and I would be GRATEFUL FOR LIFE, and I mean that in every possible way.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for caring. It is you and I who will make this world more bearable for our abused, scared, hurt, hungry, cold, unloved babies.

Who ever said that small groups can't do great things, we are the only ones who ever do

Until then email me and keep visiting DOGBLOG and my great links.

Much love
082 549 5177

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Puppy Bruises and Kitty Cries


I sit here in my basket, cold and all alone,

Wondering, 'Where's mommy?'

As I hear that dreadful drone,

The moaning of the engine, as it pulls into the drive,

And you get out all angry,

Mad you couldn't keep your last job

So, you get ready to blame it on us, Hoping we won't survive.

Me 'n my other siblings,

don't wanna take it no more,

But I can't see my way I out, I  can't find the door,

Mommy has tried to hide us,

more times than once,

Hoping you wouldn't find us, the ones that you call "mutts"

Even though it's useless,

for you always seem to find,

Where we are hiding and we know what you have in mind

You throw us down

Onto the ground

And pick us right back up, we hope you put us in our bed,but for you it's never enough

And when we whimper and cry some more,

for our dear mommy,

all we hear is her scratching on your door

And you just shout 'Shut up!

'When they come and ring your bell

and ask to see one of us,

You just say, that we're all gone,that you've given us all away,

When we try to cry out in pain,

for them to come and save us,

you just beat us even more, cause we are just your toys.

Now sitting here inside this sack,

and wondering just why,

I can hear, my mommy, trying to protest, I just relax,

with a sigh, kind of quizzical why you aren't beating me.

But my brothers and sisters are here,

so I fall asleep,

until you put us in the truck and right between your knees,

Mommy is right next to us and so I don't object,

But very soon, I can hear,

My mother's anxious cry,

as we are lifted off the seat and thrown way up high,

all of the sudden I hear a splash,

and water all around,

I can't breathe, and I try to cry,

but I don't make a sound,now,

my brothers and sisters, are fading out, they all go one by one,


I realize that there's no turning back, or reversing what you've done.

[Posted by: Davina at 8:24 pm]

Free Photo Albums from Bravenet.com

[Posted by: Davina at 1:33 am]

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Punished Paws Online Shop

All proceeds from this shop will be used to feed, house and rehome the animals in our care. For every $2.00 profit we make we are able to feed an animal for a week.

[Posted by: Davina at 2:28 pm]

Monday, July 19, 2004

A devastating account and statistics of an overseas animal shelter, these horrors go on right here in our country too; I have seen and heard this kind of carnage, what is even scarier is when I do the maths - poverty, lack of education, human desensitisation, ignorance etc. I doubt this high percentage of surrendered pets even make it out, here. Let's all protect, not only our own, but all beloved animals from these horrors ? STERILISE YOUR PETS and tell others to do so, train you puppy in order to avoid behavioural problems and if you do have problems, seek help from an expert or an enthusiast. Think ahead before adopting a pet, if you envisage emigrating and will not be able to take your animals, don't get one and in you ever plan to move into a flat don't either and if you do, shelters first please - if you can't find what you are looking for in your local shelter ask me to help you look. Let's love and cherish our animals and please, never, NEVER surrender them.

Much love, always



CANTON - The anticipation was almost more than Virginia Corning couldbear.Sitting in a car for more than three hours, she wrapped her hands arounda photo of the chow-mix that would take the place of her Dingo, a memberof her family for 10 years whose name still plays on her home answeringmachine.Corning called the Stark County Dog Pound before leaving her Pittsburghhome on a February morning. She and her husband, Michael, wanted toensure the new family pet would be there when they arrived.But Corning's heart sank when she entered the pound at 1801 Mahoning Rd.NE. The dog she'd planned to name Daisy was not in the cage she wassupposed to be in. A young lab-mix stood in her place.Daisy was dead.More than half the dogs impounded by the county meet Daisy's fate on anygiven day.Last year, nearly 1,600 dogs, or at least 60 percent, brought into thepound were euthanized, according to county figures.Since 1990, nearly 30,000 dogs, or at least 70 percent,! of thoseimpounded have been killed.County officials say that's what goes on at a dog pound - thephilosophy is "round them up and kill them," said Marsha Cimadevilla,personnel manager at the Stark County commissioners' office, whichoversees the pound.Cimadevilla is one of two interviewing the replacement for Dog WardenJeff Wright, who is heading for the same job in Summit County.Some hope the county will change its philosophy with its new hire. Theysay healthy dogs that could be adopted get no chance.'It's a slaughterhouse'Jeanette Morris and Heather Rooney visit the pound at least once a week.They say they often find dogs with no food or water, and with faeces intheir dishes.The smell of urine is pervasive.A trip to the pound by The Repository revealed the same. Only two ofevery 10 dogs had water in their bowls; while up to four employeesgathered in an air conditioned office nearby.Rooney started the Daisy Dog Rescue Web site in December when she andMorris realized getting the dog?s public exposure is often the only wayto save their lives.The pound is a county-run facility and does little to advertise thedogs. Ohio law only requires it keep a stray dog for 72 hours. Afterthat, it can euthanize the dog, sell it to a nonprofit research facilityor donate it to a nonprofit agency that trains service dogs.Most are euthanized, said Rooney, who tracks when dogs enter and leavethe pound.County records confirm her findings.Dogs that bite are put down despite a state law that says it should bequarantined for 10 days to observe the dog for rabies.A few of those put down earlier include a pit bull that was destroyedNov. 19, 2002, the same day it entered the pound; a golden retrieveralso was destroyed that day. A pit bull puppy was destroyed the same dayit entered the pound on Nov. 20, 2002.The practice continued last year. On Dec. 27, a collie that was noted asa biter was killed the same day it came in.Sometimes, no reason is recorded for a dog's death. A dog described as a"mix" and a pit bull were destroyed Dec. 19, the same day they enteredthe pound. A Rottweiler and another dog also described simply as a "mix"were destroyed upon entering the pound Nov. 25.The Repository also found four puppies described as "mix" were destroyedwhen they entered the pound April 2."It makes no sense why some are put down so quickly," said Rooney, whovolunteered at shelters in the Columbus area before moving to Canton.Morris of Osnaburg Township began working with Rooney after she tried torescue a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua from the pound. She arrived todiscover the two small dogs - an average of 2 to 7 pounds - had beeneuthanized for cage space.Wright hasn't been available for comment recently. He starts a new jobas Summit County's dog warden this month.But employees say the Stark pound has no set day it euthanizes dogs.Three days, or, until their cage space is needed - whichever comesfirst.At least two mass kills took place at the pound this year, according tocounty records. On March 16, 15 dogs, including a Sharpei, a chow-mixand an Australian shepherd, were destroyed, but only three dogs replacedthem in their cages. On Feb. 20, 11 dogs were put down! but five of thosecages were filled."Some deaths are needless," Rooney said. "It's a slaughterhouse. Oncethey are there, it's just like death row."No room at the county innWright became dog warden with no experience.The county has a written job description that requires two yearsexperience as a chief deputy dog warden, but Wright had none. Before hewas put in charge of the pound in 2001, he worked mall andamusement-park security, and listed no experience in any animal controlposition."We didn't know that was important," said Commissioner Jane Vignos. "Hehas a couple of dogs."She said the county is looking for administration experience in the nextdog warden; experience working with animals is secondary."The dog warden's job is to get dogs off the street," Vignos said.Some of it comes down to funding, she said. "We are an agency designedto only keep animals for a period of time," Vignos said.Wright echoed Vignos' comments."Primarily, my job is to pick up the strays,"Wright said earlier in response to criticism by rescue groups such asDaisy Dog Rescue.He said he's tried to advertise the dogs; he has a laptop and digitalcamera in his office. But "we don't have the staff to do it."Neighboring Carroll County started advertising dogs on the Internet andhas been successful, said Carroll County Commissioner Bob Herron. Thepound has a full-time staff of two.Wright's staff includes six full-time deputies, a poundskeeper and adispatcher, and his budget - derived from license fees - runs about$600,000 a year.Carroll County's budget is little more than $86,600, Herron said.Wayne County has no pound. Its dog warden, Robert Fischer, said thecounty contracts with the local Humane Society to take the 40 to 50 dogsit impounds monthly. Wayne County gives the Humane Society $80,000 ! ayear to operate.Tuscarawas County, which brings in twice as many dogs as Wayne County,operates with less than $180,000 a year. The county impounds nearly1,200 dogs; and euthanizes fewer than half, about 500 dogs.Wright's new employer, Summit County, has a budget similar to Stark's- just more than $600,000, said Craig Stanley, Summit County'sdirector of facilities.Last year, it impounded 1,600 more animals than Stark did - 2,316 dogsand 1,869 cats. It euthanized just less than 2,900 animals last year."We are euthanizing a lot more animals than we'd like to," Stanley said."But ... we cannot keep stacking these animals on top of each other."Stanley said the pound contacts rescue groups on a continual basis; butthey are full, too.Call for changeLynda Marshall, a volunteer with Second Chance for Animals, wants to seechanges at the Stark pound."It's really sad and pathetic down there," Mars! hall said.A hose, which she likens to a high-pressure fire hose, is used to cleancages - the animals are not removed."They are left there dripping wet," Marshall said. "It is pathetic."Marshall also wonders why the pound refuses to let volunteers help. Shesays no one answers the phone on Saturdays - the day most looking toadopt would make a trip to the pound.Plus, pound workers have turned people away when it is after 4 p.m.,Marshall said."In the back of our minds we are always thinking we have to get to a dogSaturday or it is going to get killed Monday," she said.Martha Ickes, a volunteer for animal rescue group Diamonds in the Ruff,said she was banned from the pound altogether.She went to the pound every Saturday for five years before Wright becamedog warden. Then Wright refused to allow her in.Why is unclear. Vignos said she thinks there may have been complaintsabout the number of ! dogs Ickes housed."There were circumstances there that made us question (her)," Vignossaid, but she couldn't elaborate.Even though Wright left, Ickes said she probably won't step foot intothe dog pound again. "And that's really sad," she said.Much like Ickes, Corning finds the situation at Stark's pound a sad one.She and her husband have since adopted a chow-mix named Emma, but "Ioften think of Daisy," Corning said. "She had such a sweet, sweet face."Corning doesn't regret the trip she and her husband made to Canton thatday - her only regret is she arrived too late.You can reach Repository writer Melissa Griffy at:

PHONE.......(330) 580-8318EMAIL:melissa.griffy@cantonrep.com

[Posted by: Davina at 9:37 am]

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Author Unknown

Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was.
Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, loving.

These three things, together with a life spent outside, had taken their toll on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye, and where the other should have been, was a gaping hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side. His left foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, and had healed at an unnatural angle, making him look like he was always turning the corner.
His tail had long been lost, leaving only the smallest stub which he would constantly jerk and twitch.

Ugly would have been a dark gray, striped tabby except for the sores covering his head and neck. Even his shoulders were covered with thick, yellowing scabs. Every time someone saw Ugly, there was the same reaction ... That's one UGLY cat!

All the children were warned not to touch him, the adults threw rocks at him, hosed him down, squirted him when he tried to come in their homes, or shut his paws in the door when he would not leave. Ugly always had the same reaction. If you turned the hose on him, he would stand there, getting soaked until you gave up and quit. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around your feet in forgiveness.

Whenever he spied children, he would come running, meowing frantically, bumping his head against their hands, begging for their love. If you ever picked him up, he would immediately begin suckling on your shirt, earrings, whatever he could find.

One day Ugly tried to be friendly to the neighbor's huskies. They did not respond kindly, and Ugly was badly mauled. From my apartment I could hear his screams, and I rushed to his aid. By the time I got to him, it was apparent that Ugly's sad life was almost at an end. Ugly lay in a wet puddle, his back legs and lower back twisted grossly out of shape, a gaping tear in the white stripe of fur that ran down his front.

As I picked him up and tried to carry him home, I could hear him wheezing and gasping and I could feel him struggling. It must he hurting him terribly, I thought. Then I felt a familiar tugging, sucking sensation on my ear. Ugly, in so much pain and suffering, obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear. I pulled him closer to me, and he bumped the palm of my hand with his head, then he turned his one golden eye towards me, and I could hear the distinct sound of purring. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly, battle-scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, perhaps some compassion.

At that moment, I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.

Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards, thinking about how one scarred, deformed little stray could so alter my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit, to love so totally and truly. Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will always be thankful.

He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the inside, and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and deeply, to give my total to those I cared for.

Many people want to be richer, more successful, well-liked, or beautiful. But for me? I will always try to be Ugly.

[Posted by: Davina at 2:28 pm]
