On this blog, you will find some happy stories, some fun content and some very sad facts.

I hope that by reading these truths, you will be angry enough to be more proactive in order to curtail animal abuse, neglect and cruelty?


There are too many suffering and unwanted animals in this world, all of which deserve a good, loving home. The statistics of euthanased, unwanted animals are horrific. Approximately 20 tons of euthanased animal bodies where dumped in the first 3 months of 2002 and this figure is increasing rapidly. Don't play a role in these Stats! Every puppy or kitten that is brought into this world will either directly or indirectly , they will either become an orphan OR take a potential home away from an orphan. So please STERILIZE. Lets also take into consideration those stray cats at your office. Speak to your local shelter and raise funds from the office park tenants to have them sterilized too.

These people are puppy mills (please see my link). They don't care about animals; animals are a source of income to them. Who cages and the sells their animals to anyone who has the money anyway!?! Unspeakable cruelty occurs behind the schemes.

a) Buying creates a supply and demand situation.

b) There are millions of animals on death-row at shelters just waiting to love you and protect you and be good doggies, if you give them that second and probably last chance, please (woof woof) don't let them down, they will never let you down.

That doggie you see that is sad, hungry and thin will not be rescued by the next guy. In fact in all probability he will not live through the next week.
The next guy is not an animal lover (we are very few) and even if he is he too will say the next guy will rescue him. Take your blinkers off and PLEASE RESCUE THE ANIMAL, you are its only chance. If you cannot re-home him yourself ask one of the Pro-Life shelters to help you.

Animals at shelters do not only need a good home and love; they need food, shelter, medication and caring people to look after them. This can't be done on love and fresh air they are in constant need support i.e. funds, food donations, blankets, volunteers, especially the smaller Pro-Life shelters (please see a few of them in my links) as they do not have the exposure and support that the bigger ones do. You can also visit http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com. This is a site where you can feed a hungry animal just by clicking. I would love to get something similar running in South Africa, so if any of you know of companies or individuals who could pay to advertise on such a website, please let me know. I am also looking for other idea's to raise funds for these shelters i.e. sms competitions etc. Again if anyone could assist with sponsorship, ideas, projects or advice. The animals and I would be GRATEFUL FOR LIFE, and I mean that in every possible way.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for caring. It is you and I who will make this world more bearable for our abused, scared, hurt, hungry, cold, unloved babies.

Who ever said that small groups can't do great things, we are the only ones who ever do

Until then email me and keep visiting DOGBLOG and my great links.

Much love
082 549 5177

Friday, March 03, 2006

These animals are desperate
We often receive appeals for help at Health24. We can only publish a very selected few, but the following email from a Health24 user appealing for help for animals in distress was heartrending enough that we couldn’t let it pass us by.

Health24 checked with the SPCA in Wellington – and everything in the email is indeed true.
Their contact details appear below, as does the cellphone number of the person who wrote this very sad letter.

My name is Liezel. I want to tell a gripping story and want people out there to realise what is going on in our society. I live and work in Wellington. I am just an ordinary citizen and happened to see what is going on at the SPCA. They are really struggling with money and they do not have enough funds to buy food for all the animals.

The animals sleep in the cold at night and there are not enough blankets for all of them. Some don't even have bowls for their food. This is an appeal to animal lovers – please, you don't have to give money, just go to your nearest shop or Pet shop and buy a blanket, cat/dog food and a toy. If every person would just soften their hearts towards these homeless animals. All the animals that end up at the SPCA and that are not claimed are being put down and that is most of them. There are simply too many. Winter is around the corner and it gets freezing cold here in the Boland.

Cats thrown from a car window
Coleen at the SPCA Wellington told me that they were called out for help just outside Wellington somewhere the other day. Someone had thrown out litters of kittens from their car window and other vehicles were running them over. The few that did survive had to be put down.

Then there is the gripping story of a pregnant dog. Her owner did not want her anymore so she was knocked over the head and thrown in a shallow mud pool where she lay for 4 days trying to survive. She had the puppies while lying there in pain, burning in the sun. A few puppies died and the others sat with their mother in the mud, hungry, waiting for her to wake up.

When Coleen and the SPCA got there, they pulled her out of the mud. When they checked her, they found a heartbeat, and suddenly she came to and waved her tail to show how proud she was of her pups. The pups however were extremely weak and anaemic, because of all the ticks on them and of sitting in the boiling sun without their mother to nurture them. They all had to be put down, including the mother.

Waiting in vain for a home
Then I went to visit the SPCA for the first time. To me it looked like a squatter camp. The animals don't have enough space. They are cramped together in their cement cages. The SPCA only has sponsors to rely on. The cold cement cages with mesh wire are all they have to sleep in. It's very cold and very lonely and the winter is around the corner. I cried my eyes out when I saw the most beautiful medium-sized dog with white hair and brown spots, sitting in the corner with its face pressed against the mesh wire, waiting for its owner to collect him. It stood up, walked in a small circle and sat down again, doing this over and over again.
In the same cage was a female dachshund; she was dropped there because she was on heat. My eye caught the most gorgeous Siberian Husky, with the thickest coat I have ever seen. Because of the extreme heat we have in Wellington of up to 39 degrees, he won't survive. There is no protection from the heat or any means for him to cool down. I saw no toys whatsoever.

For one hour only, the animals get to come out their cages and run "free". But they don't, they mourn and grieve in a corner waiting for their owners and have no one to play with. It's a horrible thing to see.

I went to the office with Coleen, the manager of Wellington SPCA. Sitting there, being attacked by flies, a friendly black Labrador lifted my right arm with his nose to be stroked. Without looking, I stroked him and felt something on his back. When I looked I almost fell off my chair in shock. He had a huge bloody scab on his back from his neck all the way down to his tail. Someone had thrown boiling water on him, for no reason.

What you can do to help
These animals desperately need warm blankets, toys, rawhide bones or hooves to chew on, more cages, bigger cages, more space to run and play and more shelter. When I left, all the animal's eyes lit up and they all got excited, because they thought I was going to take them with me. I cried for hours.
The SPCA is in desperate need of an inspector, someone who reacts to a complaint regarding someone abusing an animal. The inspector needs a salary which the SPCA can't afford.

Please make a contribution to our Wellington SPCA. I will help people who want to give something but can't get to the SPCA. I will fetch it or it can be posted to me. Thank you very much.

Liezel’s cellphone number - 072 1860 560
Colleen (SPCA) Wellington (021) 864 3726

[Posted by: Davina at 2:12 pm]
