On this blog, you will find some happy stories, some fun content and some very sad facts.

I hope that by reading these truths, you will be angry enough to be more proactive in order to curtail animal abuse, neglect and cruelty?


There are too many suffering and unwanted animals in this world, all of which deserve a good, loving home. The statistics of euthanased, unwanted animals are horrific. Approximately 20 tons of euthanased animal bodies where dumped in the first 3 months of 2002 and this figure is increasing rapidly. Don't play a role in these Stats! Every puppy or kitten that is brought into this world will either directly or indirectly , they will either become an orphan OR take a potential home away from an orphan. So please STERILIZE. Lets also take into consideration those stray cats at your office. Speak to your local shelter and raise funds from the office park tenants to have them sterilized too.

These people are puppy mills (please see my link). They don't care about animals; animals are a source of income to them. Who cages and the sells their animals to anyone who has the money anyway!?! Unspeakable cruelty occurs behind the schemes.

a) Buying creates a supply and demand situation.

b) There are millions of animals on death-row at shelters just waiting to love you and protect you and be good doggies, if you give them that second and probably last chance, please (woof woof) don't let them down, they will never let you down.

That doggie you see that is sad, hungry and thin will not be rescued by the next guy. In fact in all probability he will not live through the next week.
The next guy is not an animal lover (we are very few) and even if he is he too will say the next guy will rescue him. Take your blinkers off and PLEASE RESCUE THE ANIMAL, you are its only chance. If you cannot re-home him yourself ask one of the Pro-Life shelters to help you.

Animals at shelters do not only need a good home and love; they need food, shelter, medication and caring people to look after them. This can't be done on love and fresh air they are in constant need support i.e. funds, food donations, blankets, volunteers, especially the smaller Pro-Life shelters (please see a few of them in my links) as they do not have the exposure and support that the bigger ones do. You can also visit http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com. This is a site where you can feed a hungry animal just by clicking. I would love to get something similar running in South Africa, so if any of you know of companies or individuals who could pay to advertise on such a website, please let me know. I am also looking for other idea's to raise funds for these shelters i.e. sms competitions etc. Again if anyone could assist with sponsorship, ideas, projects or advice. The animals and I would be GRATEFUL FOR LIFE, and I mean that in every possible way.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for caring. It is you and I who will make this world more bearable for our abused, scared, hurt, hungry, cold, unloved babies.

Who ever said that small groups can't do great things, we are the only ones who ever do

Until then email me and keep visiting DOGBLOG and my great links.

Much love
082 549 5177

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The warehouse at the Hyperama (Norwood) is going to be pulled down at the beginning of September. There are currently over 100 cats in the warehouse. We have been working round the clock to capture them and their babies and take them to a place of safety.
There are 16 kittens which will need to be rehomed in about 4 weeks time. They are at present tiny (2 weeks old) little creatures!

The cats and kittens are being crushed on a daily basis by falling boxes.
They are not cared for or fed and are in desperate need of help!

Please, we ask you from the bottom of our hearts, help us to save them. We are in need of food, old blankets, cages and obviously funding.
The cats and kittens are being taken to a struggling shelter in Broedestroom who has offered their support. The only problem is that they cannot afford to feed all of these animals. So what good are our efforts in the end?

The Hyperama should be taking responsibility for all of these animals but have not yet promised to provide any form of assistance. Please could you help?
The smallest of donation will be so gratefully appreciated.

We will need to find homes for all of these cats

If you can help in any way, please contact
Felicity 0835345032
Renee 0116402192
Sarie 0119763775

Please forward this email to all animal lovers…

[Posted by: Davina at 12:00 pm]

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dying for Fur - Inside the Chinese Fur Trade

[Posted by: Davina at 1:08 pm]

China launches another mass dog slaughter

Christopher Bodeen Shanghai, China

04 August 2006 05:17

The dog days of summer are murder on China's canines.For the second time in days, a Chinese region has ordered a mass slaughter of dogs to curb a rabies outbreak, drawing criticism from animal lovers but also support from many who say such culls are the only sure way to contain a disease that kills more than 2 000 Chinese every year.
Officials in the eastern city of Jining plan to kill all dogs within 5km of areas where rabies has been found, the official Xinhua News Agency said on Friday.The measure came in response to the deaths of 16 people from rabies in Jining in the past eight months, Xinhua said.
It didn't say when the cull will begin or how the animals will be killed.It said the city has about 500 000 dogs .Rabies cases are on the rise in China, with 2 651 reported deaths from the disease in 2004, the last year for which data is available. Only 3% of the country's dogs are vaccinated against rabies.
Such culls have outraged animal rights groups, who call them cruel and a sign of government incompetence in dealing with rabies, an often fatal disease that attacks the nervous system but which can be warded off with a series of injections."I think this is completely insane," said Zhang Luping, founder of the Beijing Human and Animal Environmental Education Centre."What's more, this really damages our national image and sets a really bad example to show how lazy and inconsiderate those local government officials are," Zhang said.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an activist group that partially represents an increasingly vocal lobby in the West and elsewhere, called such killings a "hideously cruel response", in a statement on its website.
The group earlier in the week cancelled about $300 000 in orders for merchandise made in China and called for a boycott of all Chinese-made products to protest what it calls widespread cruelty to animals in the country.That was in direct response to the beating to death of 50 000 dogs on government orders by a county in south-western Yunnan province where three people died of rabies.
The killings prompted unusually pointed criticism in state media, with many commentators saying it signalled how little capacity the local government had to deal with routine health issues.Other slaughters have been reported elsewhere in China this year, although the government says it has no standard policy of destroying dogs.
Zhang, the founder of the Beijing education centre, said there are no laws under which citizens can stop the killings. However, she said she and other animal protection activists are reaching out through the media to try to change policy."I think this brutal and cold-blooded campaign should stop as soon as possible," Zhang said.
People who answered the phone at Jining's city government and the epidemic-control centre refused to comment or said they weren't authorised to release information to media.The World Health Organisation (WHO) has not directly criticised the slaughters, but WHO experts have said they underscore a lack of coordination and other problems within China's health-care system.
The killings have also prompted a slew of impassioned postings in online forums."Tens of thousands of people die in traffic accidents each year, but we don't ban cars. Dogs are simply easy to persecute," said one unsigned posting on Xinhua's electronic bulletin board."People opposed to killing dogs ought to think how they'd feel if they or a relative was infected with rabies. Are people's or dogs' lives more important?" said another, also unsigned. -- Sapa-AP
I am quite sure we all have something to say about this disgusting act of brutality!!!
Please let your local Chinese High Commission here what you have to say...

SWITCHBOARD 012 431 6500
FAX. 012 342 4154
PRESS OFFICER TEL 012 431 6525
FAX. 012 342 3950
EMAIL reception@chinese-embassy.org.za
and sign this petition ...

[Posted by: Davina at 12:44 pm]

  • FUR IS DEAD! Petition


[Posted by: Davina at 12:16 pm]

Monday, August 07, 2006

Dear readers,

We have just received this urgent call for help from The Lupus Foundation, our very own wolf sanctuary here in South Africa. The current weather catastrophes in the southern Cape have nearly destroyed the sanctuary and help is urgently needed to save the wolves there. Please read through Colleen's text below and donate whatever you are able to - every Rand will help and be very much appreciated.
Our wolves need your help!

Kind regards
the SAFOW team

We are almost totally devastated. I would be ever so grateful if you could email your database and see if anyone can help. The emergency funds that I had stashed away have been all used up to ensure the safety of the wolves. With over 400mm in 24 hours in our area alone, the entire sanctuary is a mud bath. Pathways are washed away. Trees have crashed over fences and almost totally destroyed our BRAND NEW ENCLOSURES that we struggled so long and hard to build. BUT, the worst thing of all is amidst all this water, the rain washed our water pump, pipes and electrical wires away down the raging river…. Even with all the rain, without that pump we cannot ensure clean fresh water for the animals or keep the sanctuary clean….
If you could assist, we would be most grateful. I have emailed my Lupus Friends – but my database is very small.
If anyone is able to supply a water pump or offer a donation towards purchasing a new one (total cost including pipes and electrical installation R6000-00), our bank details are:


Company Registration Number:2001/022321/08

P. O. Box 44890



South Africa

Telephone (Office Hours) +27 –(0)21- 657-5859

Fax +27 –(0)21- 671-7909

E-mail info@wolfsa.org.za
Director: Colleen O’Carroll +27 –(0)827746274
Treasurer: Joe O’Carroll +27 –(0)21-657-5757
Sanctuary Manager: Michael +27 –(0)823399799

Account Holder: “The Lupus Foundation”
Bank: Nedbank (Savings Account)
Branch: Claremont 104609
Account Number: 2046548558
For Foreign Donations Please quote:
Swift Number: NEDSZAJJ
And Bank address:
CLAREMONT – South Africa
Thank you for caring and contacting me.
Kind Regards

[Posted by: Davina at 3:39 pm]

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Dear Sir/Madam


Squattercamp projects:
It was brought to our attention that there are already two other welfare organisations working in Diepsloot, so we decided to look for other squattercamps where help is needed. We are however going to Diepsloot whenever we are contacted for help. We started in Stop 12 - Choba, Spruit and Bapsfontein squatter camps; where we did dipping, de-worming, sterilisations, vaccinations and treatments of various wounds and infections.

3 puppies, unwanted-collected and taken to FORA Animal Shelter
1 puppy, found running on the road- taken to Wet Nose.
1 cat, abandoned-collected and still in our care

Stop 12-Choba

4 dogs-sterilised & vaccinated
4 unwanted, sick puppies-taken to Puppy Haven for re-homing, underwent medical care, one died
2 dogs-sterilised & vaccinated(one dog was pregnant)

Made a long running chain for a dog on a short chain

We distributed some clothes and toys, donated to us, to the needy in Choba and Bapsfontein. Although animal welfare is our first priority, we are pleased to help people in need with clothing, etc donated to us. This also helps to build a relationship of trust with the communities where we work.

Feral Cat Projects:

Reading Golf Course
3 semi-feral kittens-collected; 1 re-homed , 2 taken to Kitty Haven

1 feral mother cat & four kittens-trapped, tamed; 1 re-homed, mother & 3 kittens taken to Kitty Haven

Fourways Gardens
1 domestic cat, mistaken for a feral, sterilised and re-homed

1 feral cat-trapped, sterilised, released and injured eye removed

4 feral cats-trapped, sterilised, released

4 feral kittens-trapped, taken to Kitty Haven

1 feral cat-trapped, sterilised released

1 feral cat-trapped, sterilised, released

The Castle Kyalami(ongoing project)
3 feral cats-trapped, sterilised,released

Kempton Park
1 feral mother cat & 2 kittens-trapped; mother sterilised & released, kittens tamed & adopted by resident

5 feral cats-trapped and still in our care

The above Roodepoort cats were being fed by an old lady, confined to a wheelchair, in her garden. Neighbours threatened to kill them and when she fell ill and ended up in hospital, we were asked to trap the cats and remove them. We trapped all five and they are currently in our care. As it is an almost impossible task to tame adult ferals, we cannot possibly take all ferals in trouble into our care.

Most of the people asking our help with ferals, ask us to remove them. At Four Paws it is our policy to improve the quality of life of underprivileged animals; not to kill them. Removing them means to put them down.

Ferals are very misunderstood. These cats are not pests, nor do they pose any threat to humans.

FACT: Ferals keep the rat population under control, as rats are attracted to the same areas as ferals.

FACT: Where ferals are removed, other ferals just move in. A sterilised feral colony will not allow other ferals to move in.

FACT: Feeding ferals will not stop them from hunting rats, as it is a basic instinct to hunt.

FACT: Ferals who are forced to live only on rats and mice, suffer from malnutrition and diseases, as this is not a balanced diet for them.

Ferals must be trapped, sterilised, released and fed!!

Something to chew on …

Thousands of young and healthy animals are being euthanized countrywide each month because of the huge overpopulation. Back yard breeders, pet shops and people believing that their female pet must have at least one litter, are directly responsible for this tragic situation.

Don’t breed or buy while the homeless die…

Founder’s view
People often say to me that people in squatter camps should not have animals. Whether they should or shouldn’t is not the point. They have animals and they always will. With very little money and no transport for their animals when they get sick or injured, animals suffer tremendously. With no ways of getting their pets sterilised, animals are multiplying and more animals suffer.

With our basic health care and sterilisation programmes; and education on pet care, we improve the lives of many underprivileged animals. We need your support to continue our necessary work!

“A life lived without compassion for the suffering in this world, is a life wasted…” Anonymous.

Kind regards,

Banking details:
Four Paws
Merinda Brits Nedbank: 168405, Acc nr: 1684110750, Fourways Mall

[Posted by: Davina at 1:39 pm]
