On this blog, you will find some happy stories, some fun content and some very sad facts.

I hope that by reading these truths, you will be angry enough to be more proactive in order to curtail animal abuse, neglect and cruelty?


There are too many suffering and unwanted animals in this world, all of which deserve a good, loving home. The statistics of euthanased, unwanted animals are horrific. Approximately 20 tons of euthanased animal bodies where dumped in the first 3 months of 2002 and this figure is increasing rapidly. Don't play a role in these Stats! Every puppy or kitten that is brought into this world will either directly or indirectly , they will either become an orphan OR take a potential home away from an orphan. So please STERILIZE. Lets also take into consideration those stray cats at your office. Speak to your local shelter and raise funds from the office park tenants to have them sterilized too.

These people are puppy mills (please see my link). They don't care about animals; animals are a source of income to them. Who cages and the sells their animals to anyone who has the money anyway!?! Unspeakable cruelty occurs behind the schemes.

a) Buying creates a supply and demand situation.

b) There are millions of animals on death-row at shelters just waiting to love you and protect you and be good doggies, if you give them that second and probably last chance, please (woof woof) don't let them down, they will never let you down.

That doggie you see that is sad, hungry and thin will not be rescued by the next guy. In fact in all probability he will not live through the next week.
The next guy is not an animal lover (we are very few) and even if he is he too will say the next guy will rescue him. Take your blinkers off and PLEASE RESCUE THE ANIMAL, you are its only chance. If you cannot re-home him yourself ask one of the Pro-Life shelters to help you.

Animals at shelters do not only need a good home and love; they need food, shelter, medication and caring people to look after them. This can't be done on love and fresh air they are in constant need support i.e. funds, food donations, blankets, volunteers, especially the smaller Pro-Life shelters (please see a few of them in my links) as they do not have the exposure and support that the bigger ones do. You can also visit http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com. This is a site where you can feed a hungry animal just by clicking. I would love to get something similar running in South Africa, so if any of you know of companies or individuals who could pay to advertise on such a website, please let me know. I am also looking for other idea's to raise funds for these shelters i.e. sms competitions etc. Again if anyone could assist with sponsorship, ideas, projects or advice. The animals and I would be GRATEFUL FOR LIFE, and I mean that in every possible way.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for caring. It is you and I who will make this world more bearable for our abused, scared, hurt, hungry, cold, unloved babies.

Who ever said that small groups can't do great things, we are the only ones who ever do

Until then email me and keep visiting DOGBLOG and my great links.

Much love
082 549 5177

Monday, February 26, 2007

Please support Animal Ambulance in this excellent drive. Maria's telephone number is at the bottom of this letter ...

Hi All animal lovers

This is an update on what’s happening with our sterilization count down. We have been able in the last 2 week to sterilize another 7 babies. Taking our total to 88 more to go to reach our target, these 7 babies were done in honor of investec that donated towards 21 sterilizations. This is true blessing as this means less unwanted puppies out there.

Also 5 of our doggies have been given a true loving home this week thank you to those that came and adopted a special pet. But we are still in the red with 20 doggies here so please feel free to come and visit. The 6 puppies should also be available for adopting in 3 weeks time. Mommy will be sterilized once she has stopped feeding and will also be available for adoption. Shame this girl has truly had it hard out there. Having one littler after another so that a human can have his bad habits taken care of.

Also the Animal Ambulance is seeking bigger premises so we are able to help more sick and abused animals in the poor area’s as the present premises does not allow us to hold more than 20 and sometimes we truly push it to the ultimate with 25 making it very difficult, and forcing us to turn some real sick ones away. We have addressed the bank with the problem but have been turned away due to the fact that we do not earn enough income to be able to purchase a plot. Anyone willing to help in this department even if it’s a property for rental please feel free to contact us as this is an urgent matter.

We thank each person for their support

Maria Phelan
Animal Ambulance
083 241 4452

[Posted by: Davina at 9:55 am]

Monday, February 19, 2007

Zeus's sad start to life...

We have a very special appeal for this precious Husky... please only forward this email to those who really care Zeus is a beautiful cream Husky with one blue eye and one cream eye. He is 3 years old and is medium in size. He has not been neutered yet but this expense will be paid for in 6 weeks time. Please read on to find out more about this doggy's very sad story... From the age of 3 months, Zeus was tied to a chain heavy enough to pull a truck. All day, he lay in the hot sun with no shelter from our trecherous thunder storms. Cowering out of fear, he longed for the end of each day. He longed for someone to come and rescue him from this terrible fate... Only three years later, the word got out that this poor Husky was in need of help. His terrible owner decided to go away for a week and left him all on his own to fend for himself and find any scraps of food within his limited reach. As you can imagine, food was few and far between and Zeus slowly fell into a coma. At this stage, unbeknown to his neglectful owner, he had billiary too making the state of his condition truly serious. A wonderful lady from Husky Rescue called Joanne, had been trying to convince the owner to hand him over to which he refused saying that he was vicious and needed to stay on the chain. When she saw the state of this dear dog while he was away, she had the chance to take him off the property and rush him to an emergency vet. The vet was totally shocked by his condition and couldn't believe how this poor dog had even survived so long. After weeks in the vet and daily visits from Joanne, Zeus started to get stronger. He showed so much gratitude and love for what Joanne had done for him. Finally, Zeus was able to go to a foster home where he could run around in a garden and live the life of any normal dog. The day before he was due to go to a permanent home especially picked for him, somebody at the foster home left the gate open and Zeus ran out into the road where a car knocked him over. Poor Zeus now had 2 broken hips... Joanne was notified and once again rushed him to the vet. The vet told her that this operation would cost in excess of R4000. But why should we give up on this boy who had been through so much already and deserved a third chance in life!? So Joanne managed in one day to raise the money to cover the costs of the operation. Zeus has now been with Joanne for the past 3 weeks. He is starting to walk slowly and will obviously have a problem for the rest of his life. He is otherwise, a very healthy dog. Zeus does not have one vicious bone in his body. He is extremely gentle and loving. He is happy just sitting next to his owner all day. He asks for nothing more than love and affection... After all that this dog has been through over the past 3 years, we want to find him a VERY special home. He is fine with other female dogs and is great with kids! All he wants is a lap to put his head in and a hand to stroke his nose and tell him everything is going to be ok from this day onwards. Zeus has not yet been neutered due to his broken hips but he will be in 6 weeks time. Joanne will cover these costs. The one thing we wish for Zeus is a fabulous home. We need a family who understands animals, will be patient with him and will love and spoil him unconditionally. He needs to sleep inside in a comfy basket, eat the best food and live the most pampered life. If you can offer him this type of devotion, please call Joanne from Husky Rescue on 082 851 9576. The strictest of property checks will be done and only the best home will be considered. Please - no chancers what so ever! If you know of someone who could give Zeus the best home possible, please foward this email to them...

[Posted by: Davina at 11:30 am]

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dear Friends.

The Canadian Voice For Animals - Canada and CVFA - Argentina have been asked by concerned citizens of Greenland to help them stop the horror that happens to the Greenland Sled Dogs.

We ask you to please sign this petition and send it to at least 10 or your friends and ask them to do the same.

If you have a website, please post the petition link on your site and send us the page it is on, and we will add your organization to our sponsors group.

The petition has been dated for February 13th, so you may have to wait until tomorrow to sign it, however you can still add the link to your sites and to the bottom of all e-mails you send out. We cam add your site to the petition at any time.

We hope to get at least 50,000 signatures and then we will present it to the Danish and Greenland embassies.


Thank you so very much for your help....let's make this a petition that will be remembered, and please forward this to any animal foundation you may be familiar with.

Kindest regards,


[Posted by: Davina at 10:49 am]

Excerpts from a Dog's Diary*

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

* Excerpts from a Cat's Diary*

Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are Fed
hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the
rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to
keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of
escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I
had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly
demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending
comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed
in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could
hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was
due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to
use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my
tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this
again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems
to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the
guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors
have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is
safe. For now...

[Posted by: Davina at 2:05 am]

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dear Welfare Organizations

We have negotiated discounted prices for bulk orders of Puppy and Kitten milk and broad spectrum de-wormers from Kyron Laboratories.

We will need to work together to coordinate quantities, discounts and logistics

Please see the below email and lets here your ideas

Warm regards

Thank you for your email.

We are in favour of supplying animal welfare organisations directly, at reduced prices. We have a few provisos, though:

Because we are a manufacturing concern, we don’t find it easy to supply small quantities to individual customers (we sell our products to wholesalers, who in turn sell to vets). Could the organisations you mention (Irwin’s, HAWS, etc) co-ordinate their requirements and form a single buying body to make their purchases?
We have no delivery service and would expect you to collect any orders, which would be on a COD basis. If purchases were regular and reasonably sizeable we would consider opening an account for this single buying body.
We cannot supply scheduled medicines on this basis. We can only supply veterinarians with such products.
Any products sold to this purchasing body would be done so on the understanding that they were not to be resold.
Besides KittyMilk and MilkoPup, we can offer animal welfare organisations a broad-spectrum dewormer (Antezole) packed in bulk (1000s), which makes them substantially cheaper.

Please direct your response to Sonja Grobler, our General Manager, as I will be away for a few weeks

David Goldkorn
Director, Kyron Laboratories (Pty) Ltd

[Posted by: Davina at 4:11 am]

"Saved to live and saved for life"

As is the case with every other animal welfare organisation in South Africa, Irwin's receives no financial backing from the government. It exists entirely on the charity of animal lovers and with proceeds from the sale of pet food, donated books, clothes and bric-a-brac that are sold from their stalls at De Deur market. It is a knife-edge battle for survival every month. With around eight hundred animals on the farm, basic running costs, which includes feed, amounts to around an incredibleR60 000 per month. The added expense of medicines and vet bills can push this much higher. A further strain on finances has been the ongoing campaign to improve the aesthetics of the farm.As mentioned, the success of any operation of this kind depends largely on the generosity of donors. Anne has devised a number of ways in which folk can contribute towards helping the animals. For instance, the sum of R25 per month will make you a Pet's Pal, R40 per month will sponsor a kennel and you can become a Garden Sponsor for R60. Although the vast majority of animals at the farm are dogs, there are also approximately one hundred cats and varying numbers of ponies, donkeys, pigs and birds. In fact, no animal in distress is turned away.

If you feel you would like to find out more about the centre, you can. Every Sunday, excluding the last one of the month, is an open day at Irwin's. The public is encouraged, from 10am onwards, to come and visit the animals. This allows them to interact with humans and helps to restore some of the trust and faith that was so badly betrayed. Listening to Anne, it can be of great benefit to both parties. Tel: 016 590 1255 or 082 950 4368Cell: 082 950 4368e-mail: irwins@telkomsa.netP.O. Box 720 Henley on Klip, 1962

[Posted by: Davina at 4:04 am]
